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Event Details

    “Performance Management” presented by Jack Smalley

    Date: April 26, 2011, 8:30am – 12:00pm
    Reid Campus Center Ballroom, Whitman College
    $29.00 per person - RSVP is required
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    By popular demand, Jack Smalley is returning to Walla Walla!  Prepare to learn some “Must Do’s and Don’t’s” when it comes to Performance Management - definitely geared towards managers and supervisors! 


    This session will benefit all supervisors and managers with the responsibility of preparing, writing and delivering performance appraisals. As an added bonus, Jack will incorporate “Generations in the Workplace” into this program, giving you even MORE bang for your buck!  This seminar will: 

    • Center on the need for and benefits of conducting legal, effective and thorough performance appraisals
    • Take you through the entire performance management process from preparation to delivery and follow through
    • Discuss the most common mistakes managers make regarding the performance management process
    • Emphasize that performance appraisals are the most important document in winning wrongful termination cases
    • Feature the five important steps to reduce legal issues

    There are numerous types of appraisal processes discussed such as self-appraisals, peer appraisals and the 360-degree appraisal.

    Please pre-pay by April 20 with a check to BMHRMA and mail to:

    Lisa Whited, Treasurer   •     2257 Granite Drive    •    Walla Walla, WA  99362

    This seminar has been approved for 3.25 HRCI credits.